Arman, born November 17, 1928 in Nice and died in New York on October 22, 2005, is a Franco-American artist, painter, sculptor and plastic artist, known for his “accumulations”. He was one of the first to directly use, as pictorial material, manufactured objects, which for him represented the multiple and infinite extensions of the human hand. Arman was interested in the status of the object and the relationship that modern societies have with it, between sacralization and overconsumption-destruction. Son of a furniture and antiques dealer, he developed a passion for drawing and painting very early on. After studying at the School of Decorative Arts in Nice and then at the Louvre School, he began to exhibit. One of his childhood friends is Yves Klein. In 1960, he made the exhibition “Le plein” at the Iris Clert gallery, which he filled with objects of rebus and selected bins, in opposition to the exhibition “Le vide” which Yves Klein had mounted in the same gallery two years earlier. He became one of the founding members, with Yves Klein, of the New Realists movement. These include: François Dufrêne, Raymond Hains, Martial Raysse, Daniel Spoerri, Jean Tinguely, Jacques Villeglé, then César, Mimmo Rotella, Niki de Saint Phalle, Gerard Deschamps and in 1963 Christo. From 1961, Arman developed his career in New York, where he lived and worked half of his time, alternating with his life in Nice until 1967, then in Vence until his death.
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